Upcoming Events

Put Yourself Back in the Narrative: The Past, Present, and Future of Women in Science
March 16th, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 pm
C.H. Booth Library
25 Main Street
Cyd Cipolla, Clinicial Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU's Steinhardt School, will present a talk about the history, current experience and future of women in science.
March Open House & Cordwainer Demonstration
March 23rd, 2025
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Matthew Curtis House
44 Main Street
Please join us for an open house with demonstration by Andrew Rowand, who will be guiding us through a day in the life of a cordwainer, or shoe maker. Refreshments will be served. This is a free event, however, donations are welcomed and appreciated in order to continue offering events such as this.
Antiques Appraisal Day in Conjunction with the Matthew Curtis House Open House
April 12th, 2025
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Matthew Curtis House
44 Main Street
Newtown Meeting House
31 Main Street
After many years, the much-anticipated Antiques Appraisal Day is making a return. Sponsored by the Newtown Historical Society, enthusiasts and collectors are invited to uncover the hidden stories and value behind their cherished treasures. No appointment is necessary. Simply stop by the Newtown Meeting House, by the flagpole. Brian Corcoran, of The Auction Barn in New Milford, Tucker Frey, of Tucker Frey Antiques in Woodbury, and John Renjilian, of Pages of Yesteryear in Newtown will be on hand to provide professional evaluations. $10 per item and photographs of large items will be accepted.
The Matthew Curtis House, across the street at 44 Main Street, will also host an Open House at the same time. Visitors will have an opportunity to explore this fine example of an 18th Century Saltbox and learn about colonial life in Newtown. This is a free event, however, donations are welcomed and appreciated in order to continue offering events such as this.
The Dred Scott Decision
April 13th, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 pm
C.H. Booth Library
25 Main Street
The black history in America is full of unhappy situations and tragic events. Supreme Court decisions have made their lives worse, for example, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 . Scott was a slave who petitioned for freedom because his owner took him into free states. Together with his wife, Harriet, his case went to the Supreme Court where his attempt to gain freedom was denied, a decision which seemed to indicate that slavery could exist in every state. This despite a number of previous bills such as the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas and Nebraska Act which had limited the spread of slavery. Mark Albertson sees this as part of the struggle between the North and the South for political power in Congress as well as a major cause of the Civil War.
Gettysburg - Three Days that Changed the Civil War
May 18th, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 pm
C.H. Booth Library
25 Main Street
A small Pennsylvania farming town, Gettysburg, was the turning point of the Civil War for both the Union and Confederate armies. Often referred to as the High-Water Mark for the Confederacy, it was also a defining moment for the Union. Join us for a discussion with Sal Camillieri on the bloodiest and most deadly battle ever fought on American soil and in American history
Pop Up Art Sale
April 1st - May 31st, 2025
C.H. Booth Library
25 Main Street
Newtown Historical Society is offering original art oil paintings created by artist Eugene Boyko for sale starting April 1st and running until May 31st. Eugene Boyko was an area artist who specialized in local scenaries and occasional modern art pieces. These paintings were offered to the Historical Society by Newtown resident Kathy Vrabel to be used to fund the needs of the Curtis House, located on Main Street.
Pricing of these pieces will allow anyone to purchase an original painting for their home and office. Spring is coming, so why not change out what is on your walls with new artwork. There will be pictures offered from small to large, able to fit any space. The exhibit will start with winter and fall scenes and change out to spring and summer themed pieces. A brief biography of the painter will be included with each piece sold. The circulation desk will take your cash or check made out to the Newtown Historical Society.
For more information on this event, please contact Patti Clark at willomoor@att.net
June Open House and Woodworking Demonstration
June 22nd, 2025
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Matthew Curtis House
44 Main Street
Please join us for our last open house until Fall! Rick Liegl, from Colonial Crafts of Connecticut will demonstrate early American woodworking. Rick visits original 17th century pieces of furniture in museums and then recreates them using antique hand tools and historically accurate techniques. He promotes an interest in the early furniture made in New England by demonstating joinery, decorative carving, spoon and bowl carving at museums and historical societies throughout Connecticut. He always brings handmade pieces for sale. Refreshments will be served and tours of the Matthew Curtiss House will be available.This is a free event, but donations are appreciated!
Ezra Around Town
Beginning January 2025
Introducing Ezra the Rooster. Follow our "Ezra Around Town" posts on Facebook or Instagram. Ezra the Rooster, named for our first unofficial Town Historian, Ezra Johnson, will be starting his travels around Newtown in January. He'll be visiting locations with a historical significance, but some of the lesser known locations to most Newtowners. Be sure to like our pages in order to receive updates of his travels.