Volunteer Opportunities

vol-un-teer - A person who performs a service of their own free will without expectation of a reward.
Volunteers who provide expertise in areas like accounting, marketing, desktop publishing, strategic planning, graphic design, facilities operations, leadership, communications, member recruitment, photography, writing, carpentry (and the list could go on) make a tremendous difference in keeping the public interest in Newtown's remarkable history alive. Volunteers have been and will continue to be responsible for expanding the reach, impact, and capacity of the Newtown Historical Society.
It is said that no one works for free. But people do all kinds of creative and fun things if they enjoy what they are doing and enjoy the company of the people they work with. At the Newtown Historical Society we work for each other and recognize each other. And that's the best payback in the world.
We are always looking for volunteers willing to apply their skills, experience or education to make a difference in our non-profit community organization. Many people have no idea how they will fit in or what they will do when they first approach us, but we always have something. Just click on the Sign-up button above to see a list of opportunities or if you have some other special interest, please let us know in the comment box.
If you are interested in volunteering with the society, or just learning more about the opportunities available, please email Barbara Wilson at bkwilsonhistory@yahoo.com.