Docent Program

What Positions are Part of the Docent Program?
Greeter, Junior Docent, Senior Docent, and Firestarter
What is the Difference Between these Positions?
A Greeter welcomes visitors and gathers demographic information, which we use for grant applications. Junior Docents are students and Senior Docents are adults. Firestarters build and maintain the fire during the months a fire is going at an open house.
What Do Docents Do?
Docents give tours and give our visitors information about the history and artifacts at our house museum.
Why Should I be a Doccent?
Our Docent Program is a great opportunity for individuals with a love of history to become involved with a local non-profit organization and experience a hands-on approach to preserving and sharing Newtown's past. You will play a vital role during our monthly open houses.
Who Can Apply?
Middle School and High School students as Greeters or Junior Docents. College students, Retirees, or anyone else above the age of 18 as Greeters, Senior Docents, or Firestarters.